Sunday, November 22, 2009

Inquiry plan complete

Well, the plan is complete and 4 hours of video has been taken. My wonderful hubby will help me get it down to 10 minutes and online over thanksgiving break. My students have been really loud and out of control but God blessed me with laryngitis on Friday and I swear, it was the best day of the week! I just need to use that consistently and I think I will see a difference. It isn't me though. I hate having to constantly monitor my voice level. I'm passionate and get excited about what I teach and I want the kids to be excited about learning. Now I feel like a monotone robot. There's got to be a balance. I'm still looking and learning.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm- I think you are right that a balance is the right way to think about it. I think that you are right to want to keep your passion but also perceptive in noticing that your voice level impacts the kids' level as well. How nice of your husband to help you narrow that down although I would love to hear what your perceptions of all four hours is? Did you learn anything by watching it?
